Leucorrhoea Drops
Leucorrhoea is a condition characterized by abnormal vaginal discharge, typically described as a thick or thin, whitish, or yellowish discharge from the vagina. It may be accompanied by other symptoms such as itching, irritation, foul odor, and discomfort. White discharge from vagina may cause due to both physiological and pathological cause. Physiological leucorrhoea may cause during sexual arousal, during ovulation and during pregnancy will have white discharge. Pathological leucorrhoea caused by local infections, STD or deep seated ailments. In case of pathological leucorrhoea the discharge changes color or is frothy, profuse, offensive and is accompanied by extensive itching.
Symptoms: Abnormal vaginal discharge. Itching or irritation in the genital area. Foul odor associated with vaginal discharge. Redness or swelling of the vulva or vaginal tissues. Lower abdominal pain or discomfort. Fatigue or weakness
Treatment: Conventional treatment depending on the underlying cause of leucorrhoea, treatment may involve addressing infections, hormonal imbalances, or other contributing factors. Antifungal or antibacterial medications to treat infections associated with leucorrhoea. Topical treatments such as antifungal creams or suppositories may also be recommended. Homeopathic Treatment to address the symptoms of leucorrhoea and promote vaginal health. Homeopathy offers a gentle and holistic approach to managing leucorrhoea, focusing on individualized treatment based on the patient's unique symptoms and constitution. Homeopathic medicine for white discharge is specifically formulated to help alleviate the condition in a natural and gentle manner.
Composition: Alumina,Borax,Calcarea carbonica, Kreosotum, Sepia, Thuja occidentalis
Action: Leucorrhoea excoriating and offensive. Discharge transparent, white, milky, yellowish, greenish, thick or thin. Pruritus in the parts. Low back pain. General weakness and gradual loss of health.
Dose: Adult: 10-15 drops three times daily. Child: -10 drops three times daily
Pack Size: 30 ml
Frequently Asked Questions
Leucorrhoea is a condition characterized by abnormal vaginal discharge, typically described as a thick or thin, whitish, or yellowish discharge from the vagina.
Common symptoms of Leucorrhoea include abnormal vaginal discharge, itching or irritation in the genital area, foul odor associated with vaginal discharge, redness or swelling of the vulva or vaginal tissues, lower abdominal pain or discomfort, fatigue or weakness.
Leucure Drops is a homoeopathic combination medicine formulated by Dr. N. K. Ghai to address the symptoms of leucorrhoea and promote vaginal health.
If you miss a dose of Leucure Drops, it is usually okay to take it when you remember. But if it is almost time for the next one, just skip it and stick to your normal times. Do not double up the dose to catch up on the one you missed.
Usual recommended dose of Leucure Drops is 10-15 drops three times daily for adults and 10 drops three times daily for younger women.
Leucure Drops helps in managing discharge (transparent, white, milky, yellowish, greenish, thick or thin), pruritus, low back pain, general weakness and gradual loss of health.
Ghai Homoeo Remedies manufactured Leucure Drops as per formulation of Dr. N. K. Ghai who has 47 years clinical experience. Leucure Drops is safe for all.